pictures of defunct...

the cafeteria show, march 2002 >>

Matt and Bondy, hanging out, jamming, eating their cereal.

Andrew Bondy in his basement with the 'Marsha' amp (which is now apparently an ' ' amp because the nameplate was pried off). Notice the shorts.

"Our first show, playing to dozens of slightly amused fans."

The guys hanging out outside at a hoe-down somewhere.

Kim, Bondy and Matt...

Matt is in the side of the frame stealing Bondy's Rock Star Moment. I can just see it now. "Nobody can look as good playing live as me! You bitch!"
Moving on.

Toni Verardi and Matt, onstage at the Silent Auction.

Toni, Matt and it just me or are her eyes glowing? Creepy.

More pics are on the way!